Mars with a network of immense lakes

Mars with a network of immense lakes

For the first time, the discovery of a network of huge lakes on the surface of Mars.

Mars with a network of immense lakes
An international research team has been able to discover a network of lakes that lie beneath the layers of snow at the south pole of Mars, the first time this type of water formation has been discovered on the surface of the Red Planet, which will radically affect future research plans on Mars.

Radar payslips.

The results of the study were published in Nature Astronomy, and the University of Southern Queensland, in which it participated, issued a statement on the 28th of September.

To achieve these results, this team used the radar detection mechanism on board the Italian spacecraft "MARSIS", which has been in orbit around Mars since 2003.

According to the new study, "MARSES" searches for water under the snow by the same mechanism by which it detects subglacial lakes at the planet's poles, as it launches radio waves at the surface of the planet and then receives its reaction which varies between bouncing off rocks, snow or water.

The subglacial lake is a term for the presence of water lakes under ice caps, and they form because the high pressure below lowers the melting point of ice and turns into water.

Although this is not the first time that scientists have discovered the presence of water in this area of the south pole of Mars, as a study published in the prestigious journal Science indicated that there was a lake of water in the same area for two years ago, this is the first time that we have discovered a network of lakes.

According to the study, this detection not only confirms the validity of the results of the first detection, but also proves that it was not a coincidence and that the presence of several lakes suggests that it was a common phenomenon on the surface of the Red Planet, and also indicates that the geology of the planet carries it as something natural and possible.

On the other hand, the results of the study indicate that the water in these new lakes is likely to be salty and contains elements such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium, a finding that will help in the future to study the geological history of the planet.

But most strikingly, it might one day answer the most important question: if Mars once held so much water, where has it all gone?

Therefore, this opens an additional door to questions about the existence of life on the Red Planet. Although it is an arid desert with a bad climate, life can be found in these subglacial lakes among the nutrients of many bacteria.

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